Posts by SandyMc
The Impostor Syndrome. Feel like a fraud? You are NOT alone.
Do you sometimes feel you’re two or perhaps only one step ahead of the customer who you’re charging for your professional services? Perhaps you dread being caught out. Or when someone praises you for a job well done, you really don’t believe them. Don’t feel alone. So many business owners and professionals feel that have to ‘fake it to make it’. In fact, it is so common it has a name, ‘The Impostor Syndrome’. This month the Word Carnies tackle this puzzling problem to explore what it is and what to do it you suffer from it. Tea Silvestre, aka the Word Chef: Confessions Of A Marketing Fraud @teasilvestre Nick Armstrong of WTF Marketing: Think You Are A Total Failure, You’re Probably Right @WTFMarketing Sandy McDonald of Why You Must Blog: You’re Not An Imposter. You’re An Innovator @whyyoumustblog Michelle Church of Virtually Distinguished: Feeling Like A Fraud @virtuallyassist Carol Lynn Rivera of Web Search Social: Sending Signals You’re Not Worth Doing Business Worth @CarolLynnRivera Michelle Nickolaisen of Bombchelle: That Sneaky Bastard Impostor Syndrome @_chelleshock Ashley Welton of Miniskirt Ninja Media: The Only Answer You’ll Ever Need @miniskirtninja Annie Sisk of Stage Presence Marketing: Three Confessions and A Donald Sutherland Clip @AnnieSisk ...
Read MoreSandy McDonald, Why You Must Blog
The almost magical ability we now all enjoy, to connect to one another online, is well demonstrated by our Word Carnival experience. Hi, I’m Sandy McDonald from Why You Must Blog and proud contributor to the Word Carnival team efforts to bring you monthly words of wisdom on all matters to do with being in a small business. Why You Must Blog was borne out of a passionate belief that blogging is a powerful tool for businesses to connect to their community, build their business and make a difference. The first revelation of this truly awesome medium, was as co-founder of charity, KasCare, an online charity. A simple idea, simply promulgated online, to offer warmth and comfort to some of the 2.7 million southern African children, made orphaned or vulnerable by HIV/AIDS and poverty, resulted in a growing international community of over 8,000 members from 52 countries, which thrives today. Even more astounding, is that ownership of these tools and the manifestation of the idea now resides with this community around the world. Previously, my husband Roger, poet/writer and marketer, and I, graphic designer turned small business consultant ran our own marketing communications and design business, ArtWords, for 22 years, before founding KasCare in 2008. We developed the online KasCare community and its primary programs, knit-a-square and KasKids using blogging, online marketing, SEO and trust-based relationship building. Today, I pass this working knowledge on to businesses and bloggers to develop their own online communities. Key to this offer is the desire to save small business time and money. The Internet is a vast and powerful medium. Finding reputable service providers and honorable Internet marketing trainers can be frustrating and time consuming. Using my experience and a trust monitor to evaluate the efficacy of the services or products, is the basis of any recommendation I make. We recently founded Inspiring Women Online on LInkedIn, for both women and men to inspire and be inspired by each others’ experiences online, as an open platform of shared knowledge. I greatly look forward to the sharing of expertise with you through Word Carnival’s eloquent and inspired team of...
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