What I Wish I Knew Then: What I’d tell myself if I could travel back in time to My First Day

What I Wish I Knew Then: What I’d tell myself if I could travel back in time to My First Day

Hindsight is 20/20 and good advice is often earned through sweat equity, pain, and struggle. Standing where you are now, if you could go back in time to the first day of your business and give yourself one piece of advice what would it be?

Our carnies certainly have a few ideas… Check ’em out below:

Laura Petrolino of Flying Pig Consulting:
How a Great Bra can Save Your Business

Carol Lynn Rivera of Web Search Social:
Want To Succeed In Business? Do Something.

Sandy McDonald of Why You Must Blog:
How to Know Your Ideal Client. It’s so much more than demographics.

Ashley Welton of Miniskirt Ninja Media:
Hey Little Girl, You’re Not Running A 10-Cent Lemonade Stand

Sharon Hurley Hall of Get Paid to Write Online:
Writing Biz Lessons from the Past

Tea Silvestre, aka the Word Chef:
What I Wish I’d Known Then…

Eugene Farber of Content Strategy Hub
The Surest Way to Succeed as a New Entrepreneur

Clare Price of 5 Easy Pages:
Finding Your Why

Annie Sisk of Stage Presence Marketing:
A Sinkful of Dirty Dishes Made me Write This Post

Melanie Kissell of Solo Mompreneur:
Glue Your Wallet Shut, Observe, Take Notes, and Be Patient

Nicole Fende of The Numbers Whisperer®:
Timeless Marketing Tips from a Slow Learner to Boost Your Bottom Line

Nick Armstrong of WTF Marketing:
Leave the Past in the Past: A Lesson from Star Trek

(Cover photo image: Clown by iujaz)

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