The Care and Feeding of Your Email List

Just as we were finishing up last month’s carnival, one of the carnies mentioned some anxiety around the fact that email unsubscribes seemed to be an uphill battle.
It sparked a lively discussion, and before we knew it, the topic for this month’s carnival was born.
If you’ve ever wondered what to do about unsubscribes, or how to get a list started in the first place, you’re in the right place!
Ready? Let’s dive in:
Sandy McDonald of Why You Must Blog:
Conversations with My List? A Piece of Cake!
Sharon Hurley Hall of Get Paid to Write Online:
Why My Email List is Like a Cactus
Annie Sisk of Stage Presence Marketing:
Getting Your Email Marketing Done In Your Pajamas
Nicole Fende, A.S.A. of Small Business Finance Forum:
Email Lists – Profit is NOT by the Numbers
Nick Armstrong, The Business Storyteller:#$%!: a Guide to Profanity in Your Messaging
Carol Lynn Rivera of Web Search Social
Email Marketing In The Dead Zone: Are You Training Your List To Ignore You?
Michelle Nickolaisen of Let’s Radiate
Three Ways to Make Writing Your Next Newsletter Easier + Faster
Clare Price of 5 Easy Pages
So I’ve Got a Great List, Now What?
Jenny Bones of Up Your Impact Factor
How to Say Hello (and Goodbye) to Your List
Michelle Church of Virtually Distinguished:
How Can Email Marketing Help You and Your Business?
evan austin of Graphics (and more!) by evan austin:
When to Send: Feeding Your Email List
And of course, Tea Silvestre, aka the Word Chef:
The Great Email Experiment (or, Why Your Inbox is the Best Social Media Channel to Grow Your Biz)
And if you’ve found a fabulous blog post that you think fits this month’s theme, please share a link in the comments below!
1 Comment
- Getting Your Email Marketing Done In Your Pajamas - [...] of course, last but far from least, be sure to check out all the other amazing posts in today’s…
- The Great Email Experiment (or, Why Your Inbox is the Best Social Media Channel to Grow Your Biz) - [...] (It’s the most fun you’ll have all month!) Check out the rest of the fabulous carney work here. Pin…
- Conversations with my list? A piece of cake. | Why You Must Blog - [...] post, ‘Build A Strong Engaged Email List’, is part of the monthly Word Carnival hosted by Tea Silvestre, Word…
- When To Send Newsletter Emails - Email Marketing - Timing Science - [...] The Care & Feeding of Email Lists, and you can find out what all the Carnies are saying at…
- #$%!: a Guide to Profanity in your Messaging | Nick Armstrong: Colorado's Storytelling Small Business Marketing Expert and Funny Public Speaker - [...] post is part of the Word Carnival series. For more great advice from some of the best business pros…
- How to Say Hello (and Goodbye) to Your List « Up Your Impact Factor Up Your Impact Factor - [...] Check out more great posts on this topic today over at Word Carnivals. [...]
- Why My Email List Is like a Cactus - Get Paid to Write Online - [...] started by Tea Silvestre, the Word Chef. Check out the rest of this month’s excellent lineup here. (Image: Auntie…
- Email Lists – Profit is Not by the Numbers | Second Income Blogs - [...] post is part of the June Word Carnival. The topic is The Care and Feeding of Your Email List.…
- Email Lists – Profit is Not by the Numbers | Home Business to Business Information Blog - [...] post is part of the June Word Carnival. The topic is The Care and Feeding of Your Email List.…
- Email Marketing In The Dead Zone: Are You Training Your List To Ignore You? - [...] event specifically for small business owners. (It’s the most fun you’ll have all month!) Check out the rest of…
- Email Lists – Profit is Not by the Numbers | Top Web Hosts Review Best Web Hosting - [...] раrt οf the June Word Carnival. the topic іѕ Thе Care and Feeding οf Yουr Email List. Click the…
- Three ways to make writing your next newsletter easier + faster - [...] This post is part of the June 2012 Word Carnival — a monthly group blogging event specifically for small…
- #$%!: a Guide to Profanity in your Messaging | WTF Marketing - Tester Developer Area - [...] post is part of the Word Carnival series. For more great advice from some of the best business pros…
- Bombchelle - - [...] This post is part of the June 2012 Word Carnival — a monthly group blogging event specifically for small…
- Email Marketing In The Dead Zone: Are You Training Your List To Ignore You? - {Web.Search.Social} - […] This post is part of the June 2012 Word Carnival — a monthly group blogging event specifically for small…
As usual this crew gave me insights and made me laugh. Thanks for sharing your knowledge again this month!