Nicole Fende, The Numbers Whisperer (R)
Nicole Fende is The Numbers Whisperer® and President of Small Business Finance Forum. As a credentialed actuary with experience as a former Chief Financial Officer, Investment Banker, and successful entrepreneur, Fende helps her clients reach their profit goals and learn how to effectively and enjoyably run the financial side of their business.
As host of the well acclaimed SmallBizFinance Show on Blog Talk Radio, Nicole shares tips, tricks and expert interviews to help small businesses operate more efficiently and improve their bottom line. She broadcasts live every Wednesday at 11 a.m. Central Standard Time.
In her book, How to be a Finance Rock Star, Nicole shares the same strategies she uses for her profit coaching clients to help them reach multi-platinum profits. It is an easy, practical go-to reference guide for mastering small business finance.
Despite Ms. Fende’s endless list of impressive credentials, her true claim to fame is her ability to make finance fun. From her LOL blog posts, such as “How College Keggers Teach Complex Expense Analysis”, to the endearing finance mascot Fluffy, she entertains entrepreneurs while helping them grown their bottom line. This definitely isn’t the finance you slept through in college.
Find her on twitter @NicoleAFende