A Call to Arms for Decent Bloggers: What Carnies Want to Tell the A-Listers

A Call to Arms for Decent Bloggers: What Carnies Want to Tell the A-Listers

Love ’em or hate ’em, the topic of A-Listers will not go quietly into the night.

For the first time in carnie history we had people submitting nearly two weeks in advance. The sideshow is taking over center stage, and it’s going to be better than the bearded lady, fortune teller and strong man all rolled into one.

Over the past few months the carnies have noticed that the big tent of blogging has not practiced what they preach. The main acts aren’t always delivering as advertised, A-Listers giving advice they clearly don’t follow themselves.

This month’s carnival will give the fire breather a run for his money! Read all 10, and weigh in with your thoughts, opinions, rants, pet peeves and solutions.

Sharon Hurley Hall of Get Paid to Write Online:
10 Reasons Why I Spend Zero Time Thinking About A-Listers

Annie Sisk of Stage Presence Marketing:
Caveat Emptor & the “A-List”

Carol Lynn Rivera of Web Search Social
The Myth Of The A-Lister: A Musing On Celebrity Status And Succeeding As A Business Blogger

Nick ArmstrongWTF Marketing
The Plumber’s Not So Leaky House

Sandy McDonald of Why You Must Blog:
An Appeal to You, The A-Lister

Sandi Amorim of Deva Coaching
The Truth About One Size Fits All

Nicole Fende, The Numbers Whisperer®
The Grateful Dead’s Lessons for Future A-Lister’s

Tea Silvestre, aka the Word Chef
Warning! May be Hazardous to Your Business: Heroes, Gurus and Other A-Listers

Melanie Kissell of Solo Mompreneur
Straight A’s And Not A Snowball’s Chance In Hell Of Making the A-List Online

Michelle Nickolaisen of Bombchelle
We notice when you don’t do as you say

Eugene Farber of Reality Burst
Blind Leading the Blind; Or Following A-Lister Advice

Honorary October Carnie
Illana Burk of
Why you have a responsibility to not be an a#$* when you’re in the business of selling your expertise

photo credit: ‘Playingwithbrushes’ via photopin cc

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  1. Bombchelle - - [...] fairway on the ‘net, written for small business owners, by small biz owners! Check out the other Carnies for this…
  2. Warning! May Be Hazardous to Your Business: Heroes, Gurus and Other A-Listers - [...] (It’s the most fun you’ll have all month!) Check out the rest of the fabulous carney work here. var fbShare…
  3. Blind Leading the Blind; Or Following A-Lister Advice | Reality Burst - [...] this month’s Word Carnival I’m supposed to write about something I want to tell the A-listers. But let’s be real, [...]
  4. The Myth Of The A-Lister: A Musing On Celebrity Status And Succeeding As A Business Blogger - [...] [...]
  5. An appeal to you, the A-lister | Why You Must Blog - [...] We don’t need to be A-listers. People of influence, yes, but gurus? No. This is a one in a…
  6. 10 Reasons Why I Spend Zero Time Thinking About A-Listers - Get Paid to Write Online - [...] owners. The carnival is the brainchild of Tea Silvestre  and you can read the rest of the fabulous posts here. Don’t…
  7. The Myth Of The A-Lister: A Musing On Celebrity Status And Succeeding As A Business Blogger - {Web.Search.Social} - […] This post is part of the October 2012 Word Carnival — a monthly group blogging event specifically for small…

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